1. Register and login

1.1 How can I access to Lervice.com?

Currently, the platform supports iOS and Android client apps, as well as direct access using mobile browsers. If you use Wechat, you can also visit us from Wechat Public Account by searching "Lervice 美生"

1.2 Can I register an account with my mobile phone or email?

As a service booking platform, in order to ensure the accuracy of the booking information and the convenience of subsequent communication, we recommend to use the mobile phone number as the registered account. When registering, we will send an OTP to your mobile phone for verification purpose. After registration, you can update email to receive order progress notifications and other information.

1.3 How if I forget the password?

Enter the login page, click "Forgot Password" on the page, the system will send an OTP to your mobile phone number, and you can set a new password after passing it.

1.4 Can a personal account become a merchant to open a shop on the platform?

Yes you can. After registering your personal account, you can not only purchase various services as a consumer, but also apply to become a merchant to sell your professional services on the platform. You can go to page "My" by clicking "Sell on Service Online" to submit the application.

2. Search shops and services

2.1 What services can I book through the platform?

Lervice.com provides 8 categories of service in more than 50 subcategories, which almost cover all aspects of life and entertainment needs in Singapore. You can click on the "Category" in the navigation bar to view the specific service types.

2.2 Who ultimately provides the services on the platform?

The basic business model of Lervice.com is to connect consumers and merchants. On the one hand, we develops local high-quality service providers to open online shops and sell services on the platform. On the other hand, we develops local residents to book services through the platform, to enjoy a more efficient and cost saving service. All the services you purchase on the platform are directly provided by the third-party merchants on the platform, including both businesses and individuals, you can easily distinguish them on the service detail page.

2.3 Who should I contact if there is a problem with the merchant’s service?

If there is a problem with the service booked through the platform, you can contact the merchant directly for a quick solution. If problems not solved, you can request the platform to step in for a final solution. This provides an extra layer of protection compared with traditional way where you have to deal with merchant directly.

2.4 Why is the price on the platform much cheaper than the market price?

There are two main reasons. One is that all the services available on platform is widely selected from dozens of the merchants in the market, which allow the platform to recommend only best deals to you. Another important reason is that we help merchants to expand online sales channels, saving a lot of labor costs and advertising costs, so merchants are more willing to offer lower prices online to attract more clients.

3. Place order and make appointment

3.1 What is the basic process of placing an order from the platform?

The first step is to find the service you need by searching or browsing the categories, and then place an online order after comparing the price and the merchant's ratings & reviews; the second step, use your bank card or e-wallet to complete the payment to obtain the service QR code; the third step, accept the service on the day and time you reserved. If the service is satisfied, provide your service QR code to the merchant for verification; the last step is to rate and review the merchant, thank the merchant for the quality service, and also provide other buyers with a real service experience as a reference.

3.2 If the price displayed on the platform is the same price I need to pay?

The platform will display two prices, one is the market price, which is the merchant's usual offline sales price or the average market price; the other one is the competitive sales price, which is the amount you need to pay. It should be noted that if the merchant provides promotions such as vouchers, Ang Bao, or others, you can also deduct these discounts before paying; in addition, if you have platform points, you can also use points to deduct the amount.

3.3 What should I do if an error is found after placing an order?

If it is a general minor error, you can keep the order and contact the merchant to explain what needs to be changed; if it is an important error, you can cancel the order and refund it online. In most cases, the cancellation of the order will take effect immediately, but because the payment has been collected by the bank or card organization, it will take a few days to complete the refund. Some banks may charge a handling fee, this will be borne by you.

3.4 Do I need to confirm the service appointment time submitted online with merchant?

It depends on the schedule of the merchant. The appointment time you submit online is the service time you preferred, and the merchant will try its best to follow it, but if there is a conflict in time, the merchant will contact you to change the time. Generally speaking, if the merchant does not contact you, it means that the merchant has accepted your time.

3.5 Can I change the appointment time?

Of course you can, especially if it’s a long time before the appointment time. You can contact the merchant directly to change the time, but if it’s too close to the appointment time, the merchant may have already made necessary preparations or even paid the cost, then you need to negotiate with the merchant to change the time upon mutually agreement.

3.6 Can I cancel an order at any time?

Depends on different service types and the requirements of merchants. For services that do not require the merchant to prepare resources in advance, or if the cancellation of the order will not cause loss to the merchant, you can cancel at any time; if the merchant has already made preparations and arrangements for your appointment, your cancellation will cause losses to the merchant, so a cancellation fee will apply. In this case, it is recommended that you change the service time instead of canceling the order to avoid loss.

4. Online payment

4.1 What payment methods does the platform support?

Platform supports four types of payment, 1) Both credit card and debit card. 2) PayNow QR code. 3) Grab Pay, Shopee Pay, Alipay, Wchat Pay and other online e-wallet. 4) Apple Pay, Google Pay and other mobile wallet. You are recommended to use PayNow as it's the local payment solution between Singapore local banks, with the shortest processing time and lowest bank charges in case of refunding needed.

4.2 Can I pay the merchant on-site for the online orders?

No you can’t. Because merchants need the payment to confirm the order. This is a protective measure for the merchant to prevent from arranging a service for you but you do not show up to cause losses in the end. If you have booked the Lervice.com and paid for it, but you change the service item or increase the service scope during the actual service on the day, you need to pay the merchant for the additional service fee. In this case, you can pay the merchant on-site. Alternatively, you can also pay through the platform by ordering the "$1 products" to pay the additional fee to the merchant.

4.3 Do I pay the service fee to the platform or directly to the merchant?

In order to protect your rights and interests, the funds you paid will be temporarily kept by the platform until you have accepted the service and are satisfied. If you are not satisfied with the merchant’s service, the platform will keep freezing the funds and urge the merchant to rectify as soon as possible until the problem is resolved. So you have extra peace of mind to book online with us.

4.4 Can I use the platform points to deduct the order amount?

Sure. You can earn points through the following channels: bind your mobile phone and email, follow the platform's official account, login to the platform, rate and review merchants, share orders, and earn points every time you spend. You can deduct the payment amount as long as you choose the point deduction before payment.

5. Rating and reviews

5.1 When can I rate and review the merchant?

You can do so only after you have accepted the service and the merchant has scanned your service QR code. This is to ensure that you have actually experienced the service, so as to give the merchant an objective evaluation. You have a total of two review opportunities for the same order. The first review is immediately after the service ends; the 2nd review is several days after you further experience the services to make your evaluation more comprehensive.

5.2 From what aspects can I rate the merchant?

Each rating includes three aspects: first, a textual review that comprehensively describes your service experience and feelings; secondly, a comprehensive score, ranging from one star to five stars; finally, three sub-item scores Including professionalism, service attitude and cost effective, it also ranges from one star to five stars.

5.3 Can I modify or delete the reviews I sent out?

Once a review is issued, it cannot be modified or deleted. This is to keep the original evaluation for other customers as a reference. If you change your mind and need to re-evaluate the merchant, you can use the 2nd review function, which can be found under the completed orders.

5.4 What should I do if the merchant contacts me to modify the review?

This shows that the merchants treat your reviews seriously :). This is also a way for the platform to protect your interests and urge merchants to improve service satisfaction. Since the reviews that have been sent cannot be modified, you can only use the 2nd review function. Please make sure that the merchant has completely solved your problem and that you are really satisfied with the service you received.

6. Request refunds and returns

6.1 What are the refund and return rules of the platform?

In general, we support free refund and return if it is caused by the merchant side for both physical and service products. If it’s caused by customers, merchant may request for cost recoveries before refund the money back to customers. For services, in most of the cases, refund will be approved automatically if the service is not consumed.

6.2 What is the process of refunding for service products?

First, the customer applies for a refund, and then the system determines whether the service supports refunds. If it is supported, it will be approved automatically; if it is not supported, it will go to the merchant side for approval on case by case basis.

6.3 What is the process of returning for physical products?

First, the customer applies for a return, and then the merchant verifies whether or not to agree to the return. After review and approval, the customer will need to mail the products back to the designated warehouse. After the merchant confirms the returned items, the refund will be processed.

6.4 What should I do if the merchant does not agree to refund or return the products?

For some goods and services, merchants need to prepare in advance after receiving your order. If you cancel the order, it will cause losses to the merchant. In this case, the merchant may not agree to a full refund. At this time, you need to negotiate with the merchant for a solution, if the result is not satisfied, you can request the platform customer service to step in for further coordination, and find a final solution acceptable to all parties.

6.5 Where will the refund go?

This depends on the refund path you choose when applying for a refund, you can select to refund to the original bank account or refund to the platform account for next purchase. It takes a few days to process the refund because the platform needs to coordinate with your card issuing bank, receiving bank, payment gateway and other institutions. Some banks may charge a refund processing fee, and you will be responsible for the fee if incurred.

7. Participate in promotions

7.1 What are the promotional activities on the platform?

The most popular promotions on the platform includes: Voucher, Discount, Flash Deal, Bundle Deal, Ang Bao and Free Shipping. It is recommended that you follow the social media of the platform and your favorite shops, and receive notifications of promotional activities at the first time.

7.2 Why can't I participate in some promotions?

Generally speaking, when platforms and merchants launch promotions, they will limit the participants (e.g, only for new users), or set usage thresholds (e.g. minimum spent), etc., to achieve precision marketing targets. If you can't participate in certain promotions, it is recommended to check the promotion t&c or participate in other promotional activities.

7.3 Can I return or refund the products purchased during promotions?

Yes you can in most of the cases, unless it’s stated no return or no refund by merchants for some special promotions. The refund amount will based on your actual payment deducting any vouchers or discount applied when you paid the order.

8. Become a distributor

8.1 What is “Distribution” service on the platform?

Distribution is a commonly used social marketing tool under the Internet economy model. It allows you to share the services/products to your friends and earn commissions for all their future purchases. It works in below manners, assuming you are A, and you share the product/service link to your friend B. After your friend B purchases, you can get commission rewards. Your friend B may also apply to become a distributor, and then recommend to a friend C, after C make purchases, both A and B can get a commission bonus. Then, C can recommend D to purchase, so ABC will all be rewarded on different commission rate. The sooner you become a distributor, the more subordinate distributors you will have, and the greater commission rewards you can get.

8.2 Who can apply to become a distributor and what are the requirements?

All registered customers of the platform can apply to become distributors. After becoming a distributor, you need to actively recommend services to your friends for purchasing and encourage them to apply for distributors. So that all purchases made by the subordinate distributors will be qualified for you to get commission rewards. If you fail to recommend successfully after becoming a distributor, the system may freeze your distribute account periodically.

8.3 What is the typical procedure of distribution?

You need to register a platform account first, and then apply to join the distributor. After the application is successful, enter the distribution market and select the goods / services you want to distribute. Use social media referral links to your friends. Once your friends buy the service you recommend, you can check the order progress in the distribution center. After the order is completed, the system will settle the commission to you in about 7 days.

8.4 What is the commission rate for the distributions?

It depends on the distribution products and your distribution level. If the merchant sets the first-level distribution commission of a certain product to be 5% , the second-level is 2% , and the third-level is 1% , then A recommends B to buy, and A can get 5% commission (because B is A 's first-level Customer); B recommends C to buy, B himself can get 5% (because C is a first-level customer of B ), A can get 2% (because C is a second-level customer of A ); C recommends D to buy, then C gets 5% , B gets 2% , and A gets 1% (because D is a third-level customer of A ). The platform currently supports up to three levels of distribution depth.

8.5 Why can't I distribute some products?

What products can participate in the distribution is determined by the merchant, because the commission reward is borne by the merchant. For popular goods or services, or those with low margins are not likely to support distribute as the merchants are unwilling to bear additional distribution commissions for those products/services.

8.6 Can I get a commission for all future purchase from a client I developed?

Yes, as long as the client is developed by you, he/she is your next-level customer or distributor, and you can get commission for all future purchases made by the clients and all sub clients developed by he/she, up to three levels.

8.7 Why the commission I actually received is not the same as the one I calculated?

There are generally two reasons. One is to check your distribution level in a certain order to determine which level of your customers have purchased the goods, which will directly affect your commission rate; the other is that the platform calculates the commission based on the amount actually paid by the customer. Although a certain product is priced at $100, but after deducting vouchers and other promotions, the customer only paid $80, so the price for calculating the commission is based on $80.

8.8 How long is the settlement cycle of commissions?

It takes about 7 to 14 days after the service is completed and service code been scanned and invalidated.

8.9 How do I use the commission after receiving?

You can leave the commission on the platform account for your next purchase, or you can withdraw it to your bank card.