Course 3: Take orders and collect money

Seller Courses
January 11, 2021 20:35:12

In order to allow you to receive orders and transactions anytime, anywhere, in addition to the computer version, we also provide the "Merchant APP". Please search and download the "Lervice Merchant" in the Apple and Google App Stores. (Please note: publish new products/services still need to operate on the computer PC side due to the complicated operation, the APP side is mainly used for daily order acceptance and financial management)

Lervice Merchant APP

1. Order management

All your orders will be displayed here. Every time a customer submits a new order online, you will receive a sms or email notification, and a small red dot reminder will appear in the upper right corner of the APP. The various statuses of the order are explained as follows:
1) To Pay: The buyer has submitted an order but has not yet completed the payment due to various reasons. You do not need to execute this kind of order temporarily;
2) To Use: For orders that have been paid and have taken effect, you need to arrange the service strictly according to the time and location of the customer's appointment. In case of time conflict, please contact the buyer to try to change the time, maintain a good service commitment, and avoid getting negative Comment
3) Completed: Refers to the order that has been fulfilled and Service Code been “invalidated”. For the concept of “Service Code”, please refer to the "Service Code" section below;

1. Order management

2. Service Code Management

As a service booking platform, there are no physical delivery involved so we issue a Service Code as the receipt after consumers book and pay a The Service Code is a 12-digit QR code, the merchant will need to ask the consumer to show the QR code and “invalidate” it by scanning the QR from app or entering the 12-digit into the Merchant Centre as a proof of the completion of service. Only the order for which the QR code has been invalidate will be deemed “complete” and the service fee can be settled after that.
The buyer can click on "Service Code" in "My-All Orders" to view the QR code for seller’s verification.

4. Service Code Management
The merchant enters the 12-digit code on the PC or scans the code on the APP to complete the verification

Buyer check Service Code

3. Returns and Refunds

All return and refund orders will be displayed here. Please note that as a service product, buyers can choose to refund as long as they have not accepted the service and the system will automatically process it. If your service does not allow refunds, please be sure to write clearly in advance when publishing the service, so that buyers are fully informed, otherwise the system will automatically agree to refunds.

2. Returns and Refunds

4. Settlement management

This function is used to manage all financial related matters, including account balance, income and expenditure details, settlement records, application for withdrawal, and so on.
The basic settlement rules and steps of the platform are as follows:
1) Consumers/buyers book and pay for the service from online shops. The payment will be temporarily kept by the platform before the service is completed, in order to give consumers more peace of mind
2) After the service is completed and the Service Code is invalidated, the payment will be settled to the merchant’s platform account within 7 working days
3) For the payment that has been settled, the merchant is allowed to “withdraw” the balance to the bank account provided by the merchant.

3. Settlement management

5. Performance management

Used for merchants to view and manage daily order volume, transaction volume, customer unit price and other transaction data.

5. Performance management