1.7 How to choose the type of online shop?

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 22:29:11

We currently provide three types of online shops, “Standard Store", "Diamond Store” and a special "No Store Seller". 

The main difference of the former two is the number of services that can be uploaded and the amount of server space assigned. Among them, standard shop are free, which can meet the requirements of most merchants. If you need more storage space, you can upgrade to a diamond shop later. 

"No Shop Seller" is customized for those who do not have the time or knowledge to manage the online store but still want to collect orders from ServiceOnline, they do not need to upload services into store, so there is no direct order from the customer, but will receive the order assigned by the platform. Sellers with no store will neither be found on the front-end, nor will they accumulate ratings/comments online.