4.1 How many types of orders on ServiceOnline

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 22:55:21

In order to allow merchants to receive more orders, the platform provides three ways to receive orders: 

A. Online shop orders, refer to orders placed directly by customers from the online shop after the merchant has released the service; 

B. Grabed orders, refer to orders received by the official flagship store of the platform will be automatically pushed to multiple merchants that meet the requirements, and increase the chance of receiving orders; 

C. Dispatched orders, refers to the order received by the official flagship store of the platform, then assign orders to a certain merchant according to the wishes of customers or the service ability. 

Merchants can view and manage the 3 types of orders in the Merchant Center or Merchant APP’s "Grabed/Dispatched Orders" menu. Both the grabbed orders and the assigned orders will enter the order center for you to arrange services in a unified manner.