6.1 Who can rate and review my service? What factors will these rating/reviews based on?

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 23:13:51

Only customers who actually place orders with you can rate and review your service after completing the service delivery (that is, after you scan the service code), to ensure that each evaluation is based on the customer's true service experience. 

Each customer’s rating includes the following three aspects: first is a text evaluation that expresses the overall service experience; second is a comprehensive score, ranging from one star to five stars; third is the score for three subdivision indicators. Including the business's professional service (quality), service attitude (service) and cost-effectiveness of purchase (value for money). 

The scores from multiple customers will be calculated according to the formula to show a comprehensive score in your shop and on the detail page of each product / service on the shelf for customers to view and reference.