8.9 What is “Distribution” and how can I participate?

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 23:31:18

“Distribution” is a very useful social marketing tool to accelerate sales. 

In addition to the end consumers, there are also many distributors on ServiceOnline platform. They will share the services on the platform to their friends and earn commission once their friend purchases. 

Suppose A is a distributor of the platform, and he shares the link to B to purchase the service, then A can get a certain percentage of commission reward; B later becomes a distributor and recommends C to purchase the service, then both A and B can get the commission award. 

Through this social sharing mode, the transaction volume can be expanded rapidly. You can go to “Distribute” page in the Merchant Centre and select the services you wish to be distributed and set the commission ratio of each distribution level, then the distributors of the platform will take the initiative to help you promote the service. The distribution commission is borne by the merchant and will be directly deducted from the settlement amount.