3.1 How to upload and publish a product or service onto my shop?

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 22:35:52

After the shop decoration is complete, it's time to add products to the shelves. ServiceOnline.sg is a service booking platform. What you need to list is your professional service. 

In particular, it should be noted that a key factor for the success of all Internet models is the "Fixed price". Customers can directly buy the services they want at a fixed price without having to bargain with merchants or call to inquire, otherwise, it will greatly reduce transaction efficiency and also loses the advantage of Internet 24/7 receiving orders and doing business. 

In order to avoid subsequent disputes, when you set a fixed price, please be sure to specify the service scope and service conditions corresponding to the price, and specify how to charge if the service scope is exceeded, so that both buyers and sellers can clearly understand. 

Please do not set any hidden charges, because this will make consumers feel fooled, and may eventually give you a negtive review, which will be publicly displayed for all customers to view and cannot be deleted, which will cause a very negative image on your brand.