3.2 What does “Enable Variation” mean when upload service?

Seller FAQ
2022-01-17 22:37:48

Enable Variation is a powerful tool to support the approach of “fixed price”, you can set different prices for different conditions. 

E.g. for aircon general cleaning service you can set a fixed price of $40 to clean one unit, $50 to clean two units; but for deep cleaning you can set a fixed price of $50 for one unit, $100 for two, customers can directly order according to their needs without calling for consultation; 

Another example is the moving service, you can set package price of $100 for a 10- foot truck, and $200 for a 14 feet truck, you can set the price conditions, for example, the prices are only applicable from Monday to Friday excluding weekends, and there must be elevators on both sides, subject to the full capacity of the truck, and if the truck booked by the customer is too small, the cost of two trips will be applied and so on. 

Don’t be afraid of setting too many conditions, as long as the conditions are reasonable, the transaction can be done quickly.