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Step-by-step guides for your online business journey.

Course 4: Tips for more orders

Seller Courses | 2022-05-13

ndardize your services with fixed price2), Pay special attention to ratings and reviews3), Create your hot-selling item4), Participate more in online promotional activities5), Utilize the distribution network1. Standardize your services with fixed pr

Course 3: Take orders and collect money

Seller Courses | 2022-05-13

search and download the "Service Online Merchant" in the Apple and Google App Stores. (Please note: publish new products/services still need to operate on the computer PC side due to the complicated operation, the APP side is mainly used for daily or

Course 2: Upload Services and management

Seller Courses | 2022-05-13

s approved)Step 2: Enter service informationSeveral things to note include:1) The product type defaults to "professional services" (if you publish physical products that involve logistics and distribution, please select "physical products");2) the li

Course 1: Open online shop

Seller Courses | 2022-05-13

4: Log in to the “Merchant Centre”Merchant Centre is the console where you can manage all your shop information, upload services, and manage orders and payment. You can enter the Merchant Centre from the official website (under merchant page) or vis

8.9 What is “Distribution” and how can I participate?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

sales. In addition to the end consumers, there are also many distributors on ServiceOnline platform. They will share the services on the platform to their friends and earn commission once their friend purchases. Suppose A is a distributor of the plat

8.6 How to use the “Bundle Deal” marketing tool?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

o products together for sale, so as to obtain a more favorable price than buying separately. You can package two related services as a whole to attract customers to purchase at the same time, which increases the chance of cross-selling on the one han

7.3 Can I select not to support refunds?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

For some of the services, you may select "Refunds not supported" when publish the service. This restriction will be clearly displayed in the service description for customers to determine whether to purchase. If the customer understands and accepts i

4.3 How to check the customer's order? Can I view and process it with my mobile phone?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

l website. The merchant APP can view and manage orders, list and delist products, manage settlement, etc. If you need to add a new service or modify the prices and pictures of existing services, you still need to use the computer/PC version to proce

4.1 How many types of orders on ServiceOnline

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

Merchants can view and manage the 3 types of orders in the Merchant Center or Merchant APP’s "Grabed/Dispatched Orders" menu. Both the grabbed orders and the assigned orders will enter the order center for you to arrange services in a unified manner.

3.10 What is “shop category management”?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

level. For example, if you are a tuition center, you can set up categories like Chinese, English, and mathematics, and then put the tuition courses on the shelves into the three categories, which is convenient for customers to browse these services.

3.9 How to modify the services published?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

the services that have been published. You can edit and modify the price, picture, description, and other information, and you can also temporarily remove the product or even delete it. Use the “Recommend” function to list your featured services int

3.8 What are the requirements for pictures and service descriptions when publishing services?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

lism, and other selling points corresponding to this price, and is used to attract customers to place orders to purchase services. You can upload photos of previous service cases, including previous customer reviews of you, to prove that you have pro

3.1 How to upload and publish a product or service onto my shop?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

ing platform. What you need to list is your professional service. In particular, it should be noted that a key factor for the success of all Internet models is the "Fixed price". Customers can directly buy the services they want at a fixed price wit

2.5 How to decorate the homepage and other pages of the online shop?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

ation, and the QR code of the online shop. You are free to design and decorate your homepage, recommend the most popular services on the homepage, so as to get more attention and orders. Find all the functions under "Mini Site" section of the Merchan

2.1 What is the Merchant Centre? How to login?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

cation for opening a store is approved, you can log in to the Merchant Centre to start online shop decoration and upload services. You can login the Merchant Centre from official website. The official website address is: https://www.

1.8 How to choose a business category?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

es and more than 50 sub-categories. The major categories are housekeeping services, bodybuilding and fitness, etc. The housekeeping services are subdivided into aircon services, house cleaning, home repairing and other sub-categories, which are conve

1.7 How to choose the type of online shop?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

Standard Store", "Diamond Store” and a special "No Store Seller". The main difference of the former two is the number of services that can be uploaded and the amount of server space assigned. Among them, standard shop are free, which can meet the req

1.1 Who can register for a merchant account and what are the requirements?

Seller FAQ | 2022-01-17

es and individuals legally working in Singapore are eligible to register for merchant accounts and become service providers / sellers on ServiceOnline’s platform , providing local residents with more convenient, professional and cost saving services.

8.5 Why can't I distribute some products?

Buyer FAQ | 2022-01-17

use the commission reward is borne by the merchant. For popular goods or services, or those with low margins are not likely to support distribute as the merchants are unwilling to bear additional distribution commissions for those products/services.

8.3 What is the typical procedure of distribution?

Buyer FAQ | 2022-01-17

apply to join the distributor. After the application is successful, enter the distribution market and select the goods / services you want to distribute. Use social media referral links to your friends. Once your friends buy the service you recommend